I swear I feel so alone most of the time even when I'm with people. I've noticed that I am not someone people take serious and I wonder what the crap I do wrong. Is it just because I am blonde or maybe just because I don't pick up on things as fast as other people. I don't understand it and I have no idea on how to fix it. I swear I will never be trusted with something unless everyone else has been asked and wasn't able to get the job done. What really sucks though is if you know you could do an amazing job but no one will give you the time of day to even try. No one is ever going to take me serious in order for me to have the chance. I believe in myself but I guess others have to believe in me too. I feel so out of the loop, kind of like reject. is that possible why no one will take me serious is because i'm a reject?
At 5:24 PM,
Sara said…
hahaha well before i start, i just want u to know that as soon as i opened ur blog "there you'll be" by faith hill started playing on my computer... u know the one from pearl harbour
it just made it THAT much more emotional and touching.... *SIGH*
well first off you believe in yourself. good for mette. pat yourself on the back. good. now hug yourself(thats from me).
and now do a dance?
feel better? haha that always helps me....
isnt it great being a teenager? feeling hopelessly and endlessly alone, when really there are so many people around you who LOVE YOU and would GIVE UP alot for you, because of that.
(*hint* the capital words mean that they are important!! lol)
and not understanding? ahh that i cant help you with as i too seem to have that problem. no matter how many times i contemplate life and decide that i have figured it out, it changes and im left to try and decipher everything all over again. im not sure how to get out of that rut being that im not an adult.... (OH WAIT YES I AM!!!! HAH!) well not an established one... i mean its been like 2 weeks...
but i havent had experience enough to see if that goes away.
maybe its just something that we are stuck with forever - in that case make the best of it... sometimes its good to not get too involved and not make your life so full of other people's problems you dont have time for your own.
so im not going to ramble on and on and on till your eyes hurt and you want to come all the way over here and strangle me, telling me that you are sick of my stupid advice.
hmmmm.... idea? lol jk
but im really done this time.
i only wish i could be there with you to give you a hug, spoon with you, and be confused with you.
and make it all better.
i will soon though i promise! pinky swear!!
and before i do, do a little dance again.
... ok. good girl.
At 1:04 AM,
Cam Cam said…
Don't get so wrapped up in the dramam that everyone give you. then you start to read too deep into and all that does is casuse ou to be more depressed more redilly... and no one wants that. So just let it roll of your back. That's what I do.
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