leaving canada
today is the day that I leave canada and head back home. in ways it is extremely sad and in others its kind of a happy thing. even though problems have happened back home and my grandpa past away I still wouldn't give up those things. I noticed that they really mean a lot to me because they are my problems to learn from. This trip has given me the time I needed to realize that. Its been wonderful to see everyone here because I love and miss the people here when I dont see them. I get to go home and miss them just as much again and even my new friends I will miss but I noticed that I miss my other friends at home so much. I dont know what I am going to do when high school is over and everyone goes their own ways. I know that some of my friends are already doing it but next year is the final thing for me and all my friends my age. its going to be crazy to not see them almost every day.
on this trip I am sad to say that we didn't do anything crazy... like jump into random peoples pools or even peoples pools that we know. I am amazed by how much the people here do in school. I have never seen so much work put on teenagers all at the same time. its extremely crazy and at this point in time I really hate it. I hate it because it took away from more play time with everyone but I guess that is part of life. you win some and you lose some. I am so happy that I had the chance to see everyone though because that is something that really meant a lot to me. i am not sure if i will be coming back again and that is so sad to think about but all I can do is be happy and greatful for the time that I have spent here. Life is crazy and crazy things happen but its good to try new and different things. If this post doesn't make much sense I am sorry because I am writing this at 4:30 in the morning and I am just a little bit tired. To anyone from canada that reads this post and saw me thank you so much for taking the time to do that because it was so wonderful to see you again or meet you for the first time. to anyone that I wasn't able to see while i was here I am really sad that I didn't get the chance and hopefully some day I will have the chance again. I love everyone so much from canada, utah, and we can't forget cali. (shmoo I love you) I have had the chance to miss everyone and no matter what I guess I am always going to miss something but that isn't such a bad thing after all. well I think I have blabbed on enough so I end this post right ...........about................................................NOW.
on this trip I am sad to say that we didn't do anything crazy... like jump into random peoples pools or even peoples pools that we know. I am amazed by how much the people here do in school. I have never seen so much work put on teenagers all at the same time. its extremely crazy and at this point in time I really hate it. I hate it because it took away from more play time with everyone but I guess that is part of life. you win some and you lose some. I am so happy that I had the chance to see everyone though because that is something that really meant a lot to me. i am not sure if i will be coming back again and that is so sad to think about but all I can do is be happy and greatful for the time that I have spent here. Life is crazy and crazy things happen but its good to try new and different things. If this post doesn't make much sense I am sorry because I am writing this at 4:30 in the morning and I am just a little bit tired. To anyone from canada that reads this post and saw me thank you so much for taking the time to do that because it was so wonderful to see you again or meet you for the first time. to anyone that I wasn't able to see while i was here I am really sad that I didn't get the chance and hopefully some day I will have the chance again. I love everyone so much from canada, utah, and we can't forget cali. (shmoo I love you) I have had the chance to miss everyone and no matter what I guess I am always going to miss something but that isn't such a bad thing after all. well I think I have blabbed on enough so I end this post right ...........about................................................NOW.
At 6:51 PM,
The Tricky Taco said…
Hey Mette,
It was nice to see you again even though I didn't really spend much time with you, it was still wicked cool to see you again. I hope things are well down there. One thing I hate is missing, I always wished that everyone would just stay where they were and we could all just be friends forever, but Ive begun to realize that you have to let go sometimes. If we all didnt go our seperate ways we would never grow and experience the thing that will make us who we are supposed be. But Still I do hope someday that we will all be able to gather together again sometime and share each others company and good friendships we had and will forever have. So I guess On this note (ill just say its an A# for kicks) I'll leave you with this little song quote. " Make new friends but keep the old some are silver and some are gold" I hope You have a great day! and keep on rocking in the free world my hard rocking amigos!
At 6:35 PM,
Sara said…
awe mette i love you
and i miss you
and i SHALL come to see you
you are so great, im sorry again how ur trip here was so boring, but im glad u can appreciate all the work that they make us do now.
though im kind of upset that you found my nerd side... but we can still be friends, right? lol
love ya
At 12:42 AM,
Shamae. said…
heyyy, I LOVE you. "I long for you".
p.s. yes, may I please have that package? I would love you extra.
At 2:47 PM,
Whitney Lynn said…
mette i missed u extra and i know wat ur talking about on the high school thing cause i always get stuck with knowing i'll be left behind when everyone leaves on thier big adventures but life has to go on and one day we'll all meet again i love all of you (even those of you in canada mette talks about u lots so i feel like i know you)
At 3:14 PM,
Shamae. said…
duh, jenesse. i would rather NOT get that package EVER than go out there for one more fabulous trip again. duh.
At 11:50 AM,
Button said…
you know we could always just go and take the package to her.that way we would get to see her AND she would get the package she has been waiting for. shmoo I'm sorry that jenesse and me both slack so much but its summer and school was gay when it was still in. HOW do we find the time? I dont know but I know we will sooner or later.
At 5:02 PM,
Shamae. said…
that's just it.. WILL I ACTUALLY SEE YOU?
At 8:36 PM,
Sara said…
well i miss you alot now
thanks for making me NOT have a hernia about my exams
ur the best
well i have to go study/fall asleep
good think i set my alarm
love you and i hope i get to see you soon my dove
At 12:06 AM,
Button said…
Chris it was so awesome hanging out with you. hopefully we will be able to have a even better chance to get to know eachother because you rock my friend.
Jenesse we have to party it up soon because I freaking miss being around you.we have to figure out a very sneaky way to either get shmoo here or go there. going there sounds funner to me though.
Whit I wont leave you behind I promise. I just have to figure out how to get out soon. so hopefully there will be away for you to get out the exact same time as me.
Jenn I am happy that I could try to make you feel better. if you want to talk some more just tell me and I would be more then happy to do just that. It looks like the partying will have to wait awhile until we are able to see each other again
shmoo of course you would SEE me and I would SEE you. that is just how it would have to work. It better be soon or I will be really mad.
Sara your going to have to tell me how the studying went and if it helped on your exams at all? you were freaking out pretty bad. So I hope your day goes good with everything that is happening.
I love you all so much.
At 5:01 PM,
Whitney Lynn said…
ok mette we'll do that cause i'm so sick of being here and i don't want to be left behind
At 10:54 AM,
Button said…
ok but if you do get left behind you have to understand that it isn't our fault. everyone splits apart when high school is over and Iknow it sucks because you have two more years to go. still don't get mad at everyone if they start to make plans to leave because that is part of growing up. Its not always fun but its something that happens. besides you dont know what migth happen in the next year or so.
At 11:02 AM,
Button said…
hahahah I wish my birthday was on friday but REALLY its on sunday. mwh hahahah. thanks though for telling me happy birthday. at least I know you care.
At 6:19 PM,
Shamae. said…
whatever jenesse, you didn't know. :oD
At 2:53 PM,
Shamae. said…
"I have used these methods many times....and the will not be used against me...."
punk. :p
At 6:45 PM,
Shamae. said…
you didn't perfect the guns! You've never even seen the movie yet! lol gosh...
At 12:10 PM,
wheatable said…
oh... doobie.
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