I am so excited Sara comes tomorrow and it going to be a party the whole time she is here. I am staying at MV because you all talked me into it.I love you all so much. anyway. I think asay is going to be one of the happiest people tomorrow.(anyone want to bet against that?) another great thing is that mid term is coming up which means we are almost down with this term. YES!!!!!!! I am thinking that good things do happen but sometimes you have to go through the bad times just to get to the good ones. I am extremely happy about good times though.
Oh anyone in drama 4 if anyone complains about the part that they got just dont listen to them. Those S.A. scenes are so cool. I am way excited to do them and so are a lot of other people.I think that they might be funner then the one acts but I could be wrong. *sifty eyes*
Anyway I hope everyone is having as good and day as I am. If you aren't I hope things get way better for you really fast and dont forget I am here for you. I love you all...... bye bye
Oh anyone in drama 4 if anyone complains about the part that they got just dont listen to them. Those S.A. scenes are so cool. I am way excited to do them and so are a lot of other people.I think that they might be funner then the one acts but I could be wrong. *sifty eyes*
Anyway I hope everyone is having as good and day as I am. If you aren't I hope things get way better for you really fast and dont forget I am here for you. I love you all...... bye bye
At 7:51 PM,
Sara said…
17 hours now
At 1:08 PM,
Button said…
Hey Jenn I thought I would kind of update you on what Sara is doing.Well right now she is on her day date with Cam. I hope she is doing alright. haha she took her gift with her.I told her to use it.I also am making sure she does what you said and wait each day to open the next present.You are so sweet to do that for her, she is really lucky to have you for a best friend. haha yesterday her flight was delayed for 2 hours but she got here safe.I have never seen Cam freak out so much because she wasn't here yet.
If you want I will have Sara call you when I see her again?just write back and tell me.I will make sure she doesn't cheat on the presents you gave her. that is the coolest idea I have seen.I better go though because I think I have to get ready now. I love you bye bye
At 12:24 PM,
Sara said…
ummm yeah im at your house now which is just super fabulous
off i go to see you! i miss you already...sigh
At 5:34 PM,
Shamae. said…
At 5:35 PM,
Shamae. said…
I love you, Button! ..just as a side note.
At 9:34 AM,
Button said…
I love you too shmoo but I am upset for you not being in health science with me today. Its ok though I left early.
At 11:02 AM,
Sara said…
haha yay i am bein enjoyed
... AND im a babe? this is a good day
At 5:59 PM,
Sara said…
hahah no rain there was snow tho its so nice... its a bit chilly but its so much nicer then stoopid ontario
but i miss you jenn and amanda and i cant wait to be in your arms once more.. lol!
At 1:35 PM,
Sara said…
umm YAY for prom committie , and shut up at least my frienship with the teachers is finally paying off. and i forgot to tell you i cant hang out on friday cause me and mr. nick and mrs. a are goin bowling. good fun i know lol JK!
haha ill talk to my mom when i get home but maybe u can come over adn we all can have dinner together it can be a big sara is home party, YAYA
well i better go im goign to try and burn that scary doll again becasue it woudlnt burn last time with its concentrated evil-ness and all
but the head is off and dont be surprised if you find it in your bed or something and you wake up screaming lol
At 3:10 PM,
Sara said…
hahhahaha u know u wish you had teachers talking about how talented you are at fluting or wvr... hahaha...*shifty eyes* yah dinner sounds yummy in ma tummy well maybe cause i am realy hungry at the moment too! lol
yesterday i went to salt lake and i went to the spagetti factory and i ate so much i feel like a fatty oh well i guess i could stand not eating again until we have dinner together lol
i coudlnt open my present this morning casue i have to wait till im with CAM! ARG! good thing im seeing him soon. (YAY!) lol
well i miss you tons and tons and i will see you oh so soon which is just dandy! LOVE YOU
At 10:56 AM,
Sara said…
hahahahah oh man i opened it and i hid it right away, then i really opened the bubble and took a look at that very SCANDOLOUS thong you got me... i think im goign to wear it today lol, hahahah cam was like.. thats not for me is it? lol
yeah so now i opened the thursday one and yes i needed more chocolate, well really i need it tonight me and mette have to stay up all night so i will sleep on the plane ride hahahhahah
so we have a list of stuff to do today and its kind of long so i think that i should get going... hahah i love you so bad and i cant wait to see you're beautiful face once more!!! love me!
At 1:35 PM,
Sara said…
hahah awe yeah ill call you as soon as i get back then we can yell and be happy together and i can cry on your shoulder.. ill need one, NO DOUBT lol
yah my whole fam might not even be home when i get home, so i guess you could just come over ASAP... but come to think of it i would want u guys to come over ASAP anyways hahahahh
well i love you like.. um... alot! yes alot and i will see you soon!
At 5:55 PM,
Shamae. said…
Hey, Sara... I forgot that you are leaving on...Friday? Yah. I'm in California until Sunday! It was fun hanging out with you, you are awesome. And a babe...but the Canadian's babe. They are really possesive over you. Anyway, it was good to meet you, you rocked my socks with your little bwoop thing.
...when I say bwoop thing, I mean the tube that makes that awesome noise...come on, you know what I'm talking about!
Button, sorry I didn't go to Health Science. I'll go next time. WAIT! no I won't because I'm not enrolled at school anymore. bhwhwhaha. aww. I'm sad now. duuuh
At 5:45 PM,
Button said…
I already miss you. this sucks so bad. I really think newmarket should be next to Utah that would make this a lot better for everyone.Lucky for me I only have to miss her and everyone else for 30 days. OH YEAH!!!!
At 7:09 AM,
Sara said…
well yeah im home now... and i feel confused. i want to be back more then anything i could have imagined... i miss mette and cam so much its making me so sad.
but then again i feel so relieved to actually be back... thers no place like home right????
so i dont know. i too wish that we could move newmarket and orem like right beside each other that would be just peachy.
if only.
At 6:15 PM,
Button said…
I am thinking we can all just meet half way or go to the beach in cali. which is looking pretty good.Sara we still have to figure out how to become rich and fast and I think I have one idea. I will tell you about it later.The next 29 days better go by really fast.I miss you so much and we need to hang out with jenn and amanda because they are awsome and I really want to get to know them. I love you and will talk to you later
At 12:21 PM,
Shexpeare said…
Its such a bloody shame that I didnt get to know sara better. I think we would be friends, but i saw her like, all of twice or something. AND- I was in a really bad mood both times! So I hope I wasnt a snot or something... cuz you seemed cool dude!
At 1:23 PM,
Sara said…
man u were like the epitome of coolness.. what a crazy thought.
its alright next time we can chill more and then we will be tight like rice yo.
and there WILL be a next time. i have an accumulating list of stuff to do there so i have to come again, thers no debating it.
At 1:29 PM,
Sara said…
oh yeah mette, you must tell me our plan to get rich fast.. OR ELSE YOU WILL FACE THE DIRE CONSEQUENCES
(are you shaking in your boots yet??)
do it
you know u wanna......
dooo iiiiitttttt!
At 2:38 PM,
Sara said…
pool party baby, its was a cool party! cool pool party la la la laaaaaa
At 10:32 PM,
Shexpeare said…
Dude, sara you rock. And, yes, I'm sorry we are... after all american. But we love canadians so we are COOL americans. We will chill, and be tight like rice cuz. Well I'm asian and I'm so down with the rice YO. I'm also black.
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