Hello everyone. I was just thinking about some weird things today. I realized I worry a lot about all my friends but I love you all to death and I wouldn't want anything to happen to you. I think you are all amazing and I really dont know what I would do without you. As soon as I find some gold stars everyone is getting one. You all are so great.
At 5:48 PM,
Button said…
midge of course you get one. just remind me to bring them up with me.
At 3:34 PM,
Whitney Lynn said…
u love me you really love me
x's, o's, and gold stars for you too.
At 7:08 PM,
Cam Cam said…
I steal the gold stars from all of you... now i am the favorite...
At 7:25 PM,
Button said…
Dang cam you always win but thats ok. you are a fav.
At 5:50 AM,
Shexpeare said…
Well asay, I don't need a gold star to know the mette loves me.
I'm just pure hottness. Right button? :) naw, if anyone deserves gold stars its YOU! because yousa,
At 12:18 PM,
Sara said…
well i just wish we could all stop fighting about these gold stars and just all make a cake out of smiles and rainbows and eat it and all live happily ever after...
but if that doesnt work i do hope i aquire some gold stars anyways.....
At 3:23 PM,
Cam Cam said…
Jenesse is fat and ugly.... I win.
At 3:37 PM,
Button said…
of course. everyone will get a gold star. I just think that cam will have more then most people because he can be sneaky. But yes everyone will get one. I just need to find them still.hmmmmm where to look?
At 8:14 PM,
Sara said…
well wait a sec mette i think that cam definately does not win all the gold stars for a couple defining reasons:
1. he called jenesse fat and ugly which means he is just jealous and he is really the fat and ugly one(toasted)
2. there is no way in this world that a boy will become the favourite becasue all us girls are obvisously way better, plus we out number him anyways ( toasted once more)
and the FINAL reason is....
3. we all are TOO FAST FOR HIM and have gotten decoy gold stars that arent really gold stars so the ones he has stolen are fake.
(the toast is now charcoal)
i rest my case.
At 9:16 PM,
Cam Cam said…
I feel so abandoned.
At 2:04 PM,
Button said…
cam don't feel that way. sara and I have to get back at you, mike and jake for all the times you toasted us. So it's fair but I dont think you will ever have all the stars just a good lot of them
At 5:17 PM,
Sara said…
exactly... we have been toasted one to many times i figured that me and mette needed be the toasters at least once... no worries
At 5:14 PM,
Whitney Lynn said…
so wait i want some gold stars (whining)
ne who button i hope shakespear was or is cool
and toast is good especially w/ p.b.
At 6:22 PM,
Sara said…
i agree this has become one long story, or its kind of like a comic strip, or a MOVIE
ok so its not like a movie
but its like one long conversation with many many people on it
wow, way to state the obvious sara
i mean.... i wasnt talking to myself.
At 7:13 PM,
Shamae. said…
You guys can have all the stars you want.
...mine is shinier...
*runs away laughing*
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