Stupid school
Ok is it just me or does school really suck the last week of the term? I mean all the teachers keep trying to fit in one more chapter and I dont think they understand how some kids stress leavels get. I don't know maybe its just me but right now I feel like I am in a jail and can't get out. If anyone has any ideas on how to bring grades up really really fast without it being stressful or anything please inform me. I will be most greatful to you. stupid school... grrrrrrr.
At 6:20 AM,
Shexpeare said…
My one advice for stress, is:
When you can't do anything about it (Like, you are in another class, so you can't do your homework, or you are in church and you cant do it) DONT WORRY ABOUT IT! If you are not at that very moment, doing the homework for that class, dont think about it. You may take ten minutes to organize what you are going to do later that day.... but dont stress it when you cant do anything about it.
Its pointless stress.
At 9:08 PM,
Shamae. said…
I hhhhate school right now. ...
*Hits Cam, runs away*
At 1:58 PM,
Sara said…
i DEFINATELY think that its one huge conspiracy between all teachers to stress all the kids out at the last week becasue they have suffered the whole term with us annoying them, and now they want to see us squirm
their evil i tell you
come to think of it i would find it much more satisfying to kick them instead of cam....
hmm, interesting.....
At 5:50 PM,
Sara said…
i doubt ull read this but just so you are informed of this deliciously cool fact
oh man
did i just say "LESS THEN 24 HOURS?"
yes i did
At 4:56 PM,
Shamae. said…
stupid kid i don't like that you are probably making out with...
stupid not playing with the football...
stupid el cheapo...
stupid not hanging out with Button right now...
stupid stupidness...
At 8:39 PM,
Shexpeare said…
Oh button.....
Oh shmoo.....
Oh jenesse....
Oh sara....
Hit asay...
I mean
Oh asay...
At 4:52 PM,
Sara said…
HAH canada has won as button has graced us with her presence... but then she LEFT!*sniffle* i have one thing to say to you mette:
At first i was afraid.
heck, i was petrified,
thinking i could never live without you by my side.
[cue music and swanky disco lights]
and then i spent so many nights,
thinking how you did me wrong
and i grew strong!
i learned how to get along...
(heeeey heeeey)
i hope u all are dancing ur little booties to ur hearts content to my small jingle for you
oh and you didnt do me wrong, you did me....uh.... right lets just forget that
(get ur mind outa the gutter)
p.s. sorry to mette in advance.... but to shmoo's comment there arent very "stupid kid who she is prolly making out with" fans out here.. in fact i could get you the number for their support group if u JK!!!!!!
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